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Poster guidelines

Poster abstract submission is not possible anymore for this year's symposium.

Abstracts for posters must be written in English and should include heading, authors and the main text.
The abstract heading must include the title - up to 120 characters.
The entire abstract including the title and the authors should not exceed 300 words.
The abstract will not be proofread or corrected - so check everything carefully before submitting.
Figures and tables may not be included in the abstract.
Please submit your abstract online during the registration process. Abstract submission via e-mail is not possible. Each participant can submit only one abstract.


Poster dimensions

Please prepare your poster in DIN A0 portrait. (maximum height: 120 cm width: 90 cm).

For further information please write to us via!


Poster Prizes

Poster prizes are kindly sponsored by Nikon GmbH and The FEBS Journal.
Please feel encouraged to present your nice data in a poster!